From Your Friends at Baby Café Bakersfield, A Brand-New Program!

We love our community, and our community of families has shown us how much they appreciate what we offer in breastfeeding support.  With that in mind, when we heard that local families are facing difficulty finding childbirth education classes in town, we just couldn't let that go. 

Informed parents have better births.  It's really very simple: the more information you have before you are in labor, the more you will feel in control of your birth process.  That's what childbirth education provides, and it's a gift that couples can give themselves while they await the birth of their new child.  

We are proud to announce the birth of Baby Café Bakersfield's Birth & Babies Series, a multi-session, in-person course to prepare for childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care.  Taught by certified childbirth educators and IBCLCs, this course will provide up-to-date, evidence-based information and time-tested strategies for understanding the birth process, defining your vision for your baby's birth day, communicating with your caregivers, making informed feeding choices, and responsive newborn care.  We'll help you identify your support network to help you navigate the first weeks of your baby's life, and we'll be there to greet you at Baby Café and provide the loving support you need to meet your own breastfeeding goals.   

Here are the facts: 

- the full course will be comprised of 6 sessions, where the first 4 cover childbirth preparation, the 5th is designed to help you navigate the parts of breastfeeding that may surprise you, and the 6th will provide a background in basic newborn care and what to expect as the parent of a new baby in the first weeks

- the course has been designed by and will always be taught by independent instructors who are certified by the Academy of Childbirth Educators, International Childbirth Educators Association, The Bradley Method, Lamaze International, or other certifying bodies to teach childbirth preparation classes

- there will also be a separate breastfeeding class once per month, also taught by a trained lactation educator OR an IBCLC

- pregnant women and their partners will be welcome to attend, regardless of where they plan to deliver

- dates of classes will be posted on our website and on our Facebook page, and registration will be simple and available online

Meeting the specific needs of our community has always been a priority at Baby Café Bakersfield.  It is the very reason we exist.  Research shows that prenatal education about childbirth and infant feeding results in improved health outcomes for mothers and babies. We take the health of families in our community very seriously.   We look forward to serving families in this new way and welcome your comments, suggestions, and support! 

- Baby Café Staff

June 27, 2017